All of our Sun Lounges are manufactured from the following high grade quality materials-
• Canadian Western Red Cedar timbers, decking and cladding
• Non corrosive Stainless steel fasteners and fixings
• Grade 1 Cedar heartwood Roofing Shingles
• British toughened safety glass.
Why Choose Western Red Cedar?
Beauty: Found in Canada's Pacific Northwest, this timber is renowned for its natural and outstanding physical properties. With a uniform of fine grained texture combined with a palette of warm, mellow tones ranging from light amber to deep honey brown. Its rich colour is beautifully complimented by a natural satin lustre and a unique fragrance of a subtle aroma.
Durability: Western Red Cedar produces natural oils that act as preservatives to protect the wood from insect attacks and decay. Its ability to produce such preservatives increase with age - allowing the wood to withstand years of usage. In addition it is a very stable wood that lies flat and stays straight. Compared to other woods, it boasts a very low shrinkage value, which makes it ideal for use in high-moisture areas.
Practicality: Beauty aside, the Western Red Cedar's practicality and cellular structure creates interior air spaces that give it an insulation value higher than most woods. Buildings which feature cedar panelling and siding tend to stay warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.
Sustainability: Western Red Cedar grows along the pacific coast from northern California, through the states of Washington and Oregon, into British Columbia Canada and up to south eastern Alaska. The average size of a typical cedar tree is between 45 to 60 metres tall and to diameters of 2.4 metres. All of Woodpeckers Western Red Cedar is imported from the coastal regions of British Columbia, Canada. Western Red cedar is sustainably felled in British Columbia, where around 1% of BC’S cedar growing stock is fell each year. To further improve the sustainability of Western Red Cedar, a method of felling called ‘variable retention’ has been introduced. Instead of conventional clear cutting of forest areas, the variable retention system works by leaving enough trees, snags and other woodland material to rest. As a result, this maintains the forest structure and environment to better support the cedar tree re-growth. All of the timber used by Woodpecker Joinery 100% certified PEFC and is supplied by Members of The Timber Federation, who recognise the responsibility and importance to protect the forests for future generations.
Stainless steel Fasteners and fixings
Stainless steel fixings are used in both the manufacture and installation of our Sun Lounges. Stainless steel does not exhibit any short or long term corrosion which not only maintains the high quality finish of the building but ensure the buildings strength is maintained for years to come.
Grade 1 Cedar Shingles
Just like the western red cedar timber we use in the structure of the pavilion, our shingles are 100% certified PEFC. Our grade 1 shingles and ridges are the highest grade, free from any defects, faults or knots. Grade 1 shingles are also made from timbers with vertical grains and less likely to cup or deform over long periods of time.

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